Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Web 2.0 Mashups

I wasn't familiar with mashups until I took this course. After doing some more research, I found a website that is more or less an encyclopedia of mashups.


If you go to the "Mashups" menu at the top of the main page, you can select "Mashup Matrix". This gives you a matrix of which APIs have been been combined and provides a link to the mashup. You can also search the mashups based on popularity, release date, etc.

An example for the skiing fanatics out there is Ski Bonk, which allows you to "view real-time ski conditions for ski resorts all over the world on Google Map along with webcams, resort information, trail maps and weather forecasts. Snowcast feature predicts which resorts will have the best snowfall in next 24 hours."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is the encyclopedia of mash-ups. A Great reference source.