Thursday, February 8, 2007

Second Life 2.0

If web 2.0 is defined by user created content Second Life may be the purest example. It is an entire world created by the users. The came just provides that space and the over 3 million players can program their own avatars and even make homes, vehicles and any other type of product. These virtual commodities even sell for real dollars spawing a lot of entrepreneurs to start businesses programming new stuff for the game. Here the users create not just content but a world and the community that populates it.


Elena said...

Fans of alternate realities aren't the only venturing into digital space. Toyota is simultaneously promoting the new Scion in the real world and in the Second Life domain. Read the CNN article for more.

Elena said...

Those who want to peek through the window of the world of Second Life without actually making the potentially "hazardous" journey into it should check out Tripp Ashton's blog at